Thursday, June 16, 2011


Type in "opinions are like..." in a search engine an you will get many different hits. All of them basically about how everyone has one, yours is the best, and/or they all stink. The first two statements are very true: we all have opinions and obviously you prefer your own. That is why it is your opinion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a preference and even expressing that preference to other people. There is also nothing wrong with liking something that someone else completely hates and vice-versa.

A problem arises when opinions are pushed in someone's face (like certain body parts mentioned in the phrase above). Especially in a way that demeans the receiver's own opinion. I am also referring to things that are a matter of taste and not anything philosophical, religious, or political (I wouldn't dare write about any of those things). So I'm referring to things like food, music, movies, art, and obviously for this blog, games.

When someone expresses a dislike of something with great force or disgust it can seem that they are also saying that anyone feels the opposite is stupid. When it is reversed and the forceful one has the positive view of something there can be the same result: anyone who disagrees is obviously an idiot. As far as games are concerned I think there are times when someone can have a bad opinion of a game because of their first experiences with a game (more on that in a later post). In this case a better experience with it could change their opinion. But if they hold on to their first opinion without compromise they will never know.

My overall point is that you shouldn't present your opinion of something in a way that can cause conflict with someone else's opinion. If you don't like something, simply say I don't like it, but be open to looking at it from another perspective. If you find someone who doesn't like something you love politely ask what about it they don't like. You might be able point out something they missed that could help them enjoy it.

Just be open to new possibilities and accept other peoples' opinions and I can guarantee you'll have a lot more fun. And remember that's what it's all about.

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