Monday, June 6, 2011

What's in a name?

Every time I mention that I play/sell/love games almost invariably the first question people ask is "You mean, like, video games?" Then I have to clarify that I mean board games. But of course it's not just board games it's also card games, party games, and any other non-electronic, multi-player, tactile, game-like experience. And then the common reaction is a quizzical one. "You mean like Monopoly and Risk?" they often say. From there I can explain the huge category of entertainment that is board games, card games, party games, and any other non-electronic... Well, you can see where I have a problem.

The word games is too broad now and most people think of video games. Board games is too narrow in not only the general type but also people's minds. And as you can see above, it takes far too much time to really explain what I'm talking about when I say that I am passionate about games. I have occasionally used the phrase "non-electronic games", which most people can quickly understand but it just sounds too technical. I've considered using analog games, tactile games, social games, and table games. I even just thought of "non-video games" but all of those just don't get the point fully across.

Think about it. When someone says "video game", everyone knows what is being talked about. Even though even the video game world has many different types and styles of games, the same basic concept is pictured: a game that is played with a computer, console, phone, or other digital device. Of course we are so constantly surrounded by them that it would be hard not know about them.

The same can't be said for [insert proper descriptor here] games. With the rise of video games board games were pushed to the back of the closet only to be brought out on holidays when Auntie Gertrude visits. They aren't a part of our culture any more. Therefore a perfect name wouldn't make a difference to someone who has never been exposed to what these games really are. The goal then should be to increase the exposure to where people know exactly what you mean when you say "board game".

What IS in a name? Nothing or everything. It all depends on what you've been exposed to.

Have fun.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it seems that you and I have more in common than I thought. Cool!


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